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EU programmes

Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF)

The Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) is set up for the period 2021-2027, with a total of EUR 9.88 billion.
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Border Management and Visa Policy Instrument (BMVI)

For the years 2021-27, the overall Home Affairs budget amounts to EUR 29 billion.
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Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV)

This programme aims to protect and promote Union rights and values as enshrined in the EU Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights.
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Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

CEF funds strategic transport, energy, and digital projects to boost EU growth, jobs, competitiveness, and support the European Green Deal.
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Creative Europe (CREA)

Creative Europe is the European Commission's programme for providing support to the culture and audiovisual sectors.
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Customs Control Equipment Instrument (CCEI)

The CCEI funds EU customs authorities to purchase, maintain, and upgrade innovative detection equipment for border and customs operations.
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Customs Programme (CUST)

The EU (CUST) supports customs administrations via meetings, IT capacity-building, training, studies, innovation, and communication with a €950 million budget.
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Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL)

Digital Europe Programme is the first EU programme that aims to accelerate the recovery and drive the digital transformation of Europe.
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Erasmus+ supports education, training, youth, and sport in Europe, impacting over 10 million participants, with continued opportunities until 2027.
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EU Anti-fraud Programme (EUAF)

The EU Anti-Fraud Programme (EUAF), managed by OLAF, supports anti-fraud activities, training, and digitalization with a €114.2 million budget (2021-2027).
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EU External Action (RELEX)

EU External Action (RELEX) provides humanitarian aid, promotes fundamental rights, and conducts foreign policy through grants, public contracts, and budget support globally.
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Union Renewable Energy Financing Mechanism (RENEWFM)

The EU (RENEWFM) funds renewable energy projects through competitive tenders, offering investment or operating support, aiding the clean energy transition.
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EU4Health Programme (EU4H)

The EU's fourth health programme (2021-2027) funds projects enhancing healthcare resilience and responding ambitiously to the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
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Euratom Research and Training Programme (EURATOM)

The Euratom Research and Training Programme (2021-2025) focuses on nuclear safety, security, and radiation protection, with a €1.38 billion budget, complementing Horizon Europe.
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Europe Direct (ED)

Europe Direct (ED) engages citizens in EU activities through information and engagement, fostering understanding and participation in the European democratic process (2021-2025).
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European Defence Fund (EDF)

The European Defence Fund (EDF) aims to boost collaborative defence research and development across EU member states with a €7.9 billion budget (2021-2027).
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European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF)

The European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) supports sustainable fisheries and aquaculture with a €6.108 billion budget (2021-2027).
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European Parliament (EP)

The European Parliament (EP) uses communication grants to promote its democratic process and engage citizens in EU decision-making.
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European Social Fund + (ESF)

The European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) enhances Europe's social dimension with a €87.9 billion budget (2021-2027), focusing on employment, social inclusion, and skills development.
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European Solidarity Corps (ESC)

The European Solidarity Corps promotes solidarity among youth through volunteering and projects, funded with €1.009 billion (2021-2027) for 270,000 opportunities.
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Fiscalis Programme (FISC)

The FISC is an EU cooperation programme in the field of taxation. This is open to EU Member States and the European Neighborhood Policy countries as well as other third countries.
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Horizon Europe (HORIZON)

Horizon Europe is the ambitious EU research & innovation framework programme for 2021-2027 with a budget of €95.5 billion.
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The European Commission co-finances projects to inform citizens, farmers and non-farmers alike about the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) including the national CAP Strategic Plans.
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Information Measures for the EU Cohesion policy (IMREG)

Support for information measures relating to the EU Cohesion policy
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Innovation Fund (INNOVFUND)

The Innovation Fund is one of the world’s largest funding programmes for the deployment of net-zero and innovative technologies.
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Internal Security Fund (ISF)

The Internal Security Fund (EUR 1.9 billion) supports combating terrorism, organized crime, and cybercrime from the EUR 29 billion Home Affairs budget (2021-27).
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Interregional Innovation Investments (I3)

The Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) instrument provides advisory and financial support for mature joint innovation projects, fostering regional and cross-regional value chain development.
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Just Transition Mechanism (JTM)

The Just Transition Mechanism ensures a fair transition to a climate-neutral economy via three pillars: Just Transition Fund, InvestEU scheme, and Public Sector Loan Facility.
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Justice Programme (JUST)

The Justice Programme (2021-2027) funds judicial cooperation, training, and access to justice, enhancing the rule of law, democracy, and fundamental rights in the EU.
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NDICI Global Europe (NDICI)

NDICI - Global Europe, with a €79.5 billion budget, unifies former EU financing instruments, supporting global development, 2030 Agenda goals, and the Paris Agreement.
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Pilot Projects and Preparation Actions (PPPA)

Pilot projects (PP) and Preparatory Actions (PA) introduce new initiatives that might turn into standing EU funding programmes.
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Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE)

The LIFE programme, established in 1992, funds environmental and climate action, with a 2021-2027 budget of EUR 5.432 billion, including Clean Energy Transition projects.
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Promotion of Agricultural Products (AGRIP)

"Enjoy, it’s from Europe" The EU policy on information provision and promotion measures for agricultural products is intended to help open up new markets.
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Programme for the Protection of the Euro against Counterfeiting (PERICLES IV)

Prevent and combat counterfeiting and related fraud, thus enhancing the competitiveness of the Union’s economy and securing the sustainability of public finances.
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Research Fund for Coal & Steel (RFCS)

The Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) funds research, pilot, and demonstration projects to support sustainable, low-emission industries, aligning with the European Green Deal.
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Single Market Programme (SMP)

(SMP) with a EUR 4.2 billion budget, supports the single market, SME competitiveness, plant, animal, food, and feed sectors, and European statistics.
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Social Prerogative and Specific Competencies Lines (SOCPL)

The prerogatives budget for Social Affairs, and Inclusion address social dialogue, labor mobility, and analysis of social situations, demographics, and family.
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Technical assistance for ERDF, CF and JTF (ERDF-TA)

ERDF-TA funds actions for implementing EU economic, social, and territorial cohesion, supporting ERDF, CF, and JTF, per Article 35 of the Common Provisions Regulation.
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Technical Support Instrument (TSI)

TSI provides tailored technical expertise to EU Member States for reforms without requiring co-financing, aiding post-COVID economic and social recovery.
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Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM)

UCPM enhances EU cooperation and coordination in civil protection, supporting disaster response, prevention, and preparedness for natural and man-made hazards.
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EU programmes

Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF)

The Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) is set up for the period 2021-2027, with a total of EUR 9.88 billion.
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Border Management and Visa Policy Instrument (BMVI)

For the years 2021-27, the overall Home Affairs budget amounts to EUR 29 billion.
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Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV)

This programme aims to protect and promote Union rights and values as enshrined in the EU Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights.
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Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

CEF funds strategic transport, energy, and digital projects to boost EU growth, jobs, competitiveness, and support the European Green Deal.
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Creative Europe (CREA)

Creative Europe is the European Commission's programme for providing support to the culture and audiovisual sectors.
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Customs Control Equipment Instrument (CCEI)

The CCEI funds EU customs authorities to purchase, maintain, and upgrade innovative detection equipment for border and customs operations.
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Customs Programme (CUST)

The EU (CUST) supports customs administrations via meetings, IT capacity-building, training, studies, innovation, and communication with a €950 million budget.
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Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL)

Digital Europe Programme is the first EU programme that aims to accelerate the recovery and drive the digital transformation of Europe.
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Erasmus+ supports education, training, youth, and sport in Europe, impacting over 10 million participants, with continued opportunities until 2027.
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EU Anti-fraud Programme (EUAF)

The EU Anti-Fraud Programme (EUAF), managed by OLAF, supports anti-fraud activities, training, and digitalization with a €114.2 million budget (2021-2027).
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EU External Action (RELEX)

EU External Action (RELEX) provides humanitarian aid, promotes fundamental rights, and conducts foreign policy through grants, public contracts, and budget support globally.
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Union Renewable Energy Financing Mechanism (RENEWFM)

The EU (RENEWFM) funds renewable energy projects through competitive tenders, offering investment or operating support, aiding the clean energy transition.
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EU4Health Programme (EU4H)

The EU's fourth health programme (2021-2027) funds projects enhancing healthcare resilience and responding ambitiously to the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
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Euratom Research and Training Programme (EURATOM)

The Euratom Research and Training Programme (2021-2025) focuses on nuclear safety, security, and radiation protection, with a €1.38 billion budget, complementing Horizon Europe.
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Europe Direct (ED)

Europe Direct (ED) engages citizens in EU activities through information and engagement, fostering understanding and participation in the European democratic process (2021-2025).
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European Defence Fund (EDF)

The European Defence Fund (EDF) aims to boost collaborative defence research and development across EU member states with a €7.9 billion budget (2021-2027).
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European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF)

The European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) supports sustainable fisheries and aquaculture with a €6.108 billion budget (2021-2027).
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European Parliament (EP)

The European Parliament (EP) uses communication grants to promote its democratic process and engage citizens in EU decision-making.
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European Social Fund + (ESF)

The European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) enhances Europe's social dimension with a €87.9 billion budget (2021-2027), focusing on employment, social inclusion, and skills development.
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European Solidarity Corps (ESC)

The European Solidarity Corps promotes solidarity among youth through volunteering and projects, funded with €1.009 billion (2021-2027) for 270,000 opportunities.
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Fiscalis Programme (FISC)

The FISC is an EU cooperation programme in the field of taxation. This is open to EU Member States and the European Neighborhood Policy countries as well as other third countries.
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Horizon Europe (HORIZON)

Horizon Europe is the ambitious EU research & innovation framework programme for 2021-2027 with a budget of €95.5 billion.
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The European Commission co-finances projects to inform citizens, farmers and non-farmers alike about the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) including the national CAP Strategic Plans.
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Information Measures for the EU Cohesion policy (IMREG)

Support for information measures relating to the EU Cohesion policy
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Innovation Fund (INNOVFUND)

The Innovation Fund is one of the world’s largest funding programmes for the deployment of net-zero and innovative technologies.
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Internal Security Fund (ISF)

The Internal Security Fund (EUR 1.9 billion) supports combating terrorism, organized crime, and cybercrime from the EUR 29 billion Home Affairs budget (2021-27).
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Interregional Innovation Investments (I3)

The Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) instrument provides advisory and financial support for mature joint innovation projects, fostering regional and cross-regional value chain development.
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Just Transition Mechanism (JTM)

The Just Transition Mechanism ensures a fair transition to a climate-neutral economy via three pillars: Just Transition Fund, InvestEU scheme, and Public Sector Loan Facility.
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Justice Programme (JUST)

The Justice Programme (2021-2027) funds judicial cooperation, training, and access to justice, enhancing the rule of law, democracy, and fundamental rights in the EU.
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NDICI Global Europe (NDICI)

NDICI - Global Europe, with a €79.5 billion budget, unifies former EU financing instruments, supporting global development, 2030 Agenda goals, and the Paris Agreement.
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Pilot Projects and Preparation Actions (PPPA)

Pilot projects (PP) and Preparatory Actions (PA) introduce new initiatives that might turn into standing EU funding programmes.
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Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE)

The LIFE programme, established in 1992, funds environmental and climate action, with a 2021-2027 budget of EUR 5.432 billion, including Clean Energy Transition projects.
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Promotion of Agricultural Products (AGRIP)

"Enjoy, it’s from Europe" The EU policy on information provision and promotion measures for agricultural products is intended to help open up new markets.
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Programme for the Protection of the Euro against Counterfeiting (PERICLES IV)

Prevent and combat counterfeiting and related fraud, thus enhancing the competitiveness of the Union’s economy and securing the sustainability of public finances.
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Research Fund for Coal & Steel (RFCS)

The Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) funds research, pilot, and demonstration projects to support sustainable, low-emission industries, aligning with the European Green Deal.
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Single Market Programme (SMP)

(SMP) with a EUR 4.2 billion budget, supports the single market, SME competitiveness, plant, animal, food, and feed sectors, and European statistics.
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Social Prerogative and Specific Competencies Lines (SOCPL)

The prerogatives budget for Social Affairs, and Inclusion address social dialogue, labor mobility, and analysis of social situations, demographics, and family.
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Technical assistance for ERDF, CF and JTF (ERDF-TA)

ERDF-TA funds actions for implementing EU economic, social, and territorial cohesion, supporting ERDF, CF, and JTF, per Article 35 of the Common Provisions Regulation.
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Technical Support Instrument (TSI)

TSI provides tailored technical expertise to EU Member States for reforms without requiring co-financing, aiding post-COVID economic and social recovery.
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Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM)

UCPM enhances EU cooperation and coordination in civil protection, supporting disaster response, prevention, and preparedness for natural and man-made hazards.
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Social Prerogative and Specific Competencies Lines (SOCPL)

The prerogatives budget for Social Affairs, and Inclusion address social dialogue, labor mobility, and analysis of social situations, demographics, and family.
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Technical assistance for ERDF, CF and JTF (ERDF-TA)

ERDF-TA funds actions for implementing EU economic, social, and territorial cohesion, supporting ERDF, CF, and JTF, per Article 35 of the Common Provisions Regulation.
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Technical Support Instrument (TSI)

TSI provides tailored technical expertise to EU Member States for reforms without requiring co-financing, aiding post-COVID economic and social recovery.
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Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM)

UCPM enhances EU cooperation and coordination in civil protection, supporting disaster response, prevention, and preparedness for natural and man-made hazards.
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